Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Swimsuit Manufacturers.

Dear Sirs, (And I'm positive you are men, because women wouldn't choose to put other women through swimsuit hell),

Please take note:

1. If a woman has to buy a size 14 suit, chances are she is not happy about it in the first place. Chances are that she also has some back fat, thigh fat, and boob addition to the expected belly fat. Suits that have a back cut so low it shows her butt crack are NOT flattering. Neither are suits with leg-holes that go up higher than her (admittedly sagging) belly button. Your so-called-design decisions do not make the shopping experience any more pleasurable for her.

2. Just because a woman is not a size 2 (or 4 or 6 or even 8) does not mean she has size DD boobs. Dream on.

3. "Cover Up Skirts" that barely extend past her crotch are neither a "cover up" nor flattering. They call attention to the widest part of her thighs, and that will make her angry.

4. Now pay close attention, because this applies to women of all sizes: Polka dots are cute, but they should NEVER, EVER, be centered over a nipple area.

Thank you.

Random Musings...

I've been a little slow to post lately, mostly because a lot of the things I think about have very little to do with being a mom. Shocking, I know.

I debated starting another blog to cover my random musings, but decided instead to broaden the horizons of this one.

SO...without further ado, please enjoy the contents of my brain.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Finding ME Time.

I didn’t appreciate all the ‘free’ time I had in the days that I worked outside the home, until I no longer had that time. I used to use my commute to make mental lists, relax after a stressful day, and catch up on phone calls. Now, I spend my travel time singing silly songs, or playing the Tatiman’s ‘call & response’ game. (Him: Da. Me: DaDy. Him: DaDo. Me: MOM. Him: Dada…giggle giggle giggle). I used to be able to run out in between client meetings to drop off dry cleaning, or pickup a few groceries. Now, anywhere I go, the Tatiman (and his diaper bag, sippy cup, puff bowl and assorted toys) goes too.

Don’t get me wrong, I am in love with my current job. I get to wake up to the Tatiman’s babbling, cook and feed him nutritious foods, play games, take hikes, and spend time with other mommy friends. I really have zero complaints. But I have started to feel like I just need a minute to think, without babbling in the background. Or five minutes to make a list of things I want to accomplish, before it is the end of the day and I’m too exhausted to think. Or, most importantly, time to workout (and shower afterwards!) to start getting rid of those pounds I gained eating lunch out every day!!

I discussed my need with DH, and we came up with 2 options: (1) Taking the Tatiman back to daycare (or hiring a sitter) a few days a week, and (2) Getting up at the crack of dawn to get some time to myself.

We’ve settled on a hybrid approach. I hate the idea of sending the Tatiman to daycare. I think it is ridiculous for him to spend a day with somebody else when my job is to take care of him. On the other hand, one of his little buddies goes to the person who cared for the Tati while I was working—so the two of them can have a great time toddling together. The Tatiman is going to go have a “mommy free play day” (as I like to think of it) about once a week. The other days, I’m going to get up at 5:30. I got up that early all through law school to get in my workout and have some quiet time before my high stress days, and I actually think I function better when I get up and get going.

Hmmmm…so now I’ve done everything I planned to accomplish this morning, including writing this post. And, the Tatiman is still sleeping…I’m not sure what to do with myself! Any ideas?