Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mommies say the Darndest Things.

…sooooo I’ve been slacking a bit on the blog. I’d like to put an optimistic spin on it: I haven’t really been slacking on the blog so much as I’ve been too busy living life. In the past few months we have: flown to Florida, and home. Flown to California, and home. Visited Pennsylvania. Gone to the lake for a week. Spent not-a-single-weekend in over two months at our house. Attended countless playgroups. Started and finished swim lessons. Oh…and started a baking business.

But now I’m back, here to blog for your enjoyment. For those keeping up, the Tatiman is now 13 months old. He has managed to earn himself 3 black eyes and 1 fat lip since he started walking. Now he is running. I’m terrified.

Before I had a kid, I said all kinds of things I never imagined I would say. Many of those things were said after a frosty beverage, or three, but I digress. Now that I am a mommy (or, Daddy, as the Tatiman insists on calling me), I find myself saying all kinds of things I NEVER imagined I would say.

I think I’m going to compile a list, and write a book.

So far on my list:

1. Please don’t lick your shoes.
2. Please don’t put your chopsticks in your poop.

I know its early to contact Houghton Mifflin, but it’s a start.

What have YOU said that made you snicker as it came out?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I didn't know you blogged! What have I said that has made me snicker?? Well here's one comment I've said to Milo, "This is mommy's serious face. Mommy is being serious." oh my, oh my...
