Monday, February 21, 2011

Here is My Secret.

"Seriously, you amaze me!"
"You handle two kids so well"
"How do you pull it all together?"

...just a few comments I've received lately.

Here's the truth: My life is complete, total, and utter chaos. Let me repeat that: My life is complete, total, and utter chaos. Emphasis on the chaos.

I think it is hysterical that I (apparently) project this image of having it all together, when the truth is, I'm about as far from it as possible!!

My house is a disaster. My car has at least an inch of graham cracker crumb dust. My laundry is never done. My grocery bill is too high. My two-year old hits, kicks, pushes, and paints on windows with his drool. My 9 month old just came out of a 7 month long scream. Yes, one scream seemed to last the entire 7 months. My husband has to suffer through PB sammies 3 or 4 days a week for lunch, and act like he loves that I pack his lunch. I carry around a ginormous diaper bag, yet I often leave the house for a day trip without a single diaper.

But, to steal a line from Oprah, here is what I know for sure: None of that 'stuff' matters.

And THAT's my real secret. Very little matters. It is just that simple. We have our health, and we have eachother. And those are the only things that are truly important to me.

Today I made glitter pictures with the Tatiman. I pushed Finny Bo Binny Binny Boo Boo on a swing. We walked down a wooded path collecting at least 37 sticks. We ate lunch together.

A day full of chaos. A day full of perfection.

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