Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hostage Situation.

So, I was held "hostage" in my bathroom for about 15 minutes today.

I went in just to pee. I left the door open because Finny Bo Binny Binny Boo Boo was in the kitchen and I was (stupidly) thinking that with the door open I could just dash out if I heard a crash.

Instead, he followed me. No biggie, until he closed the door. No biggie...I'd just open it slowly. Until he put his finger ON THE HINGE. I could see it as I cracked the door, and I was worried that I would smash his little fingers if I opened it any more.

That little stinker thought I was hysterically funny talking to him from inside the bathroom door...but he would NOT move his had. Finally, he got bored of me, and crawled off.

I feel like I live with a pair of ferrets that are plotting my downfall.

1 comment:

  1. Closing the bathroom door is such a luxury! If I even think about shutting the door both kids think I have entered a portal to another dimension and will get sucked away FOR-EVER. Anyhoo I can't leave them alone for a minute either bc anything can happen in a minute.
